Reclaiming faith
"The thief's purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy."
John 10:10
Have you ever lost something and you couldn't figure out where it went? Maybe you've lost your car keys or your phone or a book. You think to yourself, "Man, if I could just remember what I did with that ____." As a Christian, I often catch myself remembering the days when I used to be so on fire for God. I remember how often I would pray or how much I read certain books. And I feel that, as I've gotten older, I've lost some of my zeal for Christ. I often catch myself thinking, "Where did that zeal go? Where did my desire to pray disappear to?" I make excuses for myself in answer to my questions. I might think to myself, "well because I've gotten older.." or "because I've moved churches.." or "none of the Christian songs these days are good so.." or perhaps, "the Bible passages God is supposedly showing me just don't suit me well right now because..". But no matter how often I put excuses in my own mind, the reason is simple. Satan is a thief. He wants to steal my zeal and my faith and destroy it. Anyone can let satan into their life. And anyone can reject satan in the name of Jesus, but he is going to knock on the door no matter what. We however can choose whether or not to open the door and let him in. No matter what excuses I make, the reality is that I am not fighting against flesh and blood enemies (Eph. 6:12). Every struggle I have, every feud I have with someone in my life, is ultimately a struggle I have against Jesus' enemy also my enemy, the devil. The devil is very good at disguising himself. His ultimate goal is to turn people away from God.
"I meet people who at one time would pray over anything and everything! Even if they lost their glasses, they would pray to find them--and amazingly, the glasses would show up. Now the same people seem not to believe that God can do much of anything. Oh, they will still give you the standard confession of faith: 'Yes, I have faith in the God who answers prayer.' But that vibrant trust and expectation are no more. They aren't saying, 'Come on--let's go after this problem in the name of the Lord.' They've been robbed." -Fresh Faith by Jim Cymbala. I read the first chapter of this book a couple of days ago. It's called "Stolen Property". And it really opened my eyes to some truth's I needed to hear. I've been struggling with drawing closer to God lately. I've been unmotivated to read the Bible and pray. This chapter reminds us of our struggle with the enemy and how we can trust in our God. God restores what the devil has stolen and then some!
Many Christians believe in God, but do they really live a life of faith? Do they, do we, really pray and ask God to fill us up with faith in Him? Do we ask Him to help us live by faith? Or are we doing just what is expected, required of, to be a Christian?
ARE we walking by faith?
Many Christians believe in God, but do they really live a life of faith? Do they, do we, really pray and ask God to fill us up with faith in Him? Do we ask Him to help us live by faith? Or are we doing just what is expected, required of, to be a Christian?
ARE we walking by faith?
In Fresh Faith, Cymbala tells the story of David and the Amalekites (found at the end of 1 Samuel [you really should go read it]) using Scripture and his own words.
David fled from Israel to the Philistine land because he was afraid Saul was going to kill him. He lived in Ziklag and he and his men fought many wars. King Achish told David, "You and your men will be expected to join me in battle." (1 Sam. 28:1b). He had known David for a while now and he wanted David and his men to fight alongside the Philistines. So David and his 600 men went to the battlefield but the Philistines didn't want David to fight with them because they feared that he would turn on them. King Achish still wanted David to fight with him but he told David that he should go back quietly because of the Philistine rulers. So David and his men went back to Ziklag. The Amalekites were after the Philistines. And while the Philistines were at battle, the Amalekites captured the Philistine women and children at Ziklag. All the men were gripped with sorrow and were bitter for their wives and children and they wanted to stone David, for they figured what happened was because of him. But David "found strength in the Lord his God" (1 Sam. 30:6). David went to God and asked Him what He thought he should do. David wondered if he should chase down the Amalekites and take back what they had stolen, or if doing so, would be too dangerous. God told him, "Yes go after them. You will surely recover everything that was taken from you" (v. 8). David defeated the Amalekites and recovered all that was taken. David and his men also managed to capture a good amount of Amalekite goods in addition to all that was taken! God recovered what the Amalekites had stolen and then some!
David fled from Israel to the Philistine land because he was afraid Saul was going to kill him. He lived in Ziklag and he and his men fought many wars. King Achish told David, "You and your men will be expected to join me in battle." (1 Sam. 28:1b). He had known David for a while now and he wanted David and his men to fight alongside the Philistines. So David and his 600 men went to the battlefield but the Philistines didn't want David to fight with them because they feared that he would turn on them. King Achish still wanted David to fight with him but he told David that he should go back quietly because of the Philistine rulers. So David and his men went back to Ziklag. The Amalekites were after the Philistines. And while the Philistines were at battle, the Amalekites captured the Philistine women and children at Ziklag. All the men were gripped with sorrow and were bitter for their wives and children and they wanted to stone David, for they figured what happened was because of him. But David "found strength in the Lord his God" (1 Sam. 30:6). David went to God and asked Him what He thought he should do. David wondered if he should chase down the Amalekites and take back what they had stolen, or if doing so, would be too dangerous. God told him, "Yes go after them. You will surely recover everything that was taken from you" (v. 8). David defeated the Amalekites and recovered all that was taken. David and his men also managed to capture a good amount of Amalekite goods in addition to all that was taken! God recovered what the Amalekites had stolen and then some!
God restores what the devil has stolen. He is the giver and restorer of love, passion, hope, joy, energy, etc. He is the restorer of faith! "God can revive fresh faith in our souls if we ask him. He will bring faith alive in us through His Word, as Romans 10:17 declares, 'Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.' Nothing is impossible with God. In fact, you will see God recover more than you lost, just as David did. That is what the Bible promises when it says we can be, 'more than conquerors through Him who loved us.' Romans 8:37." Fresh Faith, pg 21.
Don't get discouraged if you don't see results on day one. Living in faith and walking by it is a lifestyle, not a moment. Often it will feel like satan is winning and that reclaiming faith is hopeless. But don't give up. Trust in a God Who loves you so much with a love that cannot even be broken by the powers of hell (Rom. 8:38). God Himself, in all His mighty power, defeats satan. What's more, His love is strong enough to defeat the enemy and his forces too! And that same love already has defeated satan. When Jesus died on the cross, sin's power was broken, once and for all! What love!
Let us reclaim the faith that is ours to give to God! Let us ask Jesus to show us how to live by faith and may we allow Him to restore to us vibrant hope, expectant trust, and faith in our King, our Best Friend, and our Maker.
"And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." Hebrews 11:6
Don't get discouraged if you don't see results on day one. Living in faith and walking by it is a lifestyle, not a moment. Often it will feel like satan is winning and that reclaiming faith is hopeless. But don't give up. Trust in a God Who loves you so much with a love that cannot even be broken by the powers of hell (Rom. 8:38). God Himself, in all His mighty power, defeats satan. What's more, His love is strong enough to defeat the enemy and his forces too! And that same love already has defeated satan. When Jesus died on the cross, sin's power was broken, once and for all! What love!
Let us reclaim the faith that is ours to give to God! Let us ask Jesus to show us how to live by faith and may we allow Him to restore to us vibrant hope, expectant trust, and faith in our King, our Best Friend, and our Maker.
"And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." Hebrews 11:6