There is no Comparison

There is no comparison.

I'm raising my hand high because I've felt defeated by the idol of comparison for almost my whole life. Comparison screams at us left and right. There's so much in our lives that is just itching to compare itself to others. I feel like I'm speaking unjustly when I simply state that I struggle with this. Because the truth is,  it surrounds me. All the time.


There is no comparison.

This is a lesson I am learning currently. There is truly freedom found when you realize the echoing truth that there simply is no comparison. 

You are unique. Your situation is unique. Your body is unique. Your family is unique. Your personality and your desires are unique. Your life and who you are is so beautifully and utterly unique to you that comparing yourself to her job, his body, her success, his career, her happiness, and his or her marriage, will do you no good. There is definitely good in seeing something beautiful in someone and wanting that same joy. But friend, it will never look exactly like them. You can dream and sow seeds in your life, but it will never look the same in your life as it does in theirs. And that's okay. That's beautiful.

So radiate your uniqueness.

Let God produce fruit that looks a little different and tastes a little different than the person next to you. Allow yourself to be different. Allow yourself to enjoy your life the way it is while continuing to pursue your desires. But pursue them in your own, unique, and beautiful way. 

Be utterly unique and radiantly you.



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