"Here with You is quite alright.
Here with You is enough.
Help me see that here with You is everything."
I don't know about you, but possibly one of the hardest, yet most consistent lessons I am having to learn is the beauty, value, and the deep importance of being present. To be where my feet are. I believe I have done myself and others a disservice by wishing for the future, for the destination, for "it." I've missed out on experiences, lessons, joys, refinement, and relationships, simply by setting my eyes on what's to come, rather than on what is right in front of me.
As I think about a future in long-term missions, there's a line that gets blurred. The line between preparing/getting ready for the future, place, and people that the Lord has called me to and the line of realizing that here there is a place and people I am with and am called to. Called to love, called to serve, and called to teach to and be taught from. Further, what if the here, the now, is the very thing that is preparing me. Preparing me to be a better daughter, a better friend, a better co-worker, a better missionary, and a better follower of my Father and Lord.
Don't get me wrong, preparation for coming seasons is so important and vital, especially if it involves big life changes, like moving or getting a new job or transitioning into a life overseas (*cough cough*). But if I am missing the most simple, daily moments of life, I am not stewarding this time and this day that the Lord has made for me to love Him and others here.
I hope that as you read this, you may learn with me that there is deep beauty, value, importance, and joy in choosing to be where your feet are. To be here.
He is here, so it is well. Here with Him is quite alright. Here with Him is enough. O Lord, help us see that here with You is everything.
"One who is faithful in a very little, is also faithful in much." Luke 16:10.
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:33-34