BRY: "But God"


"Do you know what Jesus did for you?"

These words came flowing out of her mouth as a beautiful smile that was evident on her face grew immensely in her heart.

She was about to do her favorite thing.

She was about to share Jesus with a stranger.


What sounded like an epic vacation getaway, turned out to be one of the hardest trips Bry and her family had ever been on. The fighting and quarrelling between family members met Bry every day on this trip with hopelessness, discouragement, and frustration; a breaking point which none of us want to actually get to, but the kind that drives us to the secret place with God.

In the morning, just you and God.

Not simply because you want it, but because you need it. Literally. Like you need breath in your lungs to live and strength in your knees to stand.

This is the place Bry found herself, camping out in Jeremiah on vacation in California.

"Even before the trip, I knew it would be difficult. However, I had hope because my dad had mellowed out a lot since I was a kid. I didn't imagine it would go as badly as it did. But God! On a earthly/worldly level, sure it was a bad trip. But God was at work. He satisfied my soul with His Word.  Jeremiah 31:25, 'For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.' And oh, did He replenish my soul that last day of the two week long trip when I got to share the Gospel with Nella!

 Bry and her family had boarded a cruise ship for a whale tour off the California coast. Whale tour?! Sounds like an amazing sight to me! The whales, however, are not what made Bry sit in awe on that bright day. 

Sitting at the top of the boat, most likely thankful that the trip, with all its anxieties, was nearing it's end, Bry noticed a girl, who was probably around her age, sitting by herself toward the back of the boat. 

Something inside Bry compelled her to go and talk to her.

As they introduced themselves and started talking, Bry learned that this girl was from China and that this was her first time in America. Her name was Nella, she had been here for a month, and was studying science in school. They started talking about music and Nella mentioned how she liked Ed Sheeran and then asked Bry what kind of music she liked. Bry shared how she liked Christian/worship music (Chris Renzema all the way). Thinking out loud (like Ed Sheeran), Nella simply asked:

 "So, you're a Christian?"

 Nella had been searching and learning about other religions. They talked about evolution and creation and the differing beliefs. Nella was curious and eager to hear about what Bry believed.

 Joyfully, Bry shared her faith with Nella:

"Has anyone actually ever told you about the Gospel and about what Jesus did for you?"

Oh, I've heard of Jesus, but I don't know anything about Him."

"Oh my goodness, she doesn't even know!" 

Humbly excited, Bry shared the story of creation with her new friend. She shared how God created the world and how His creation was perfect and beautiful and then... we sinned. We were the ones who did wrong and that separated us from God. But God. In His great love, He sent His Son and took all our sin upon Himself by dying on the cross for our sins. He made Himself known to us so we can know Him personally through His Son. 

Nella proved to be a logical thinker and asked many questions in the conversation. All of the sudden, by the end, Nella kind of smiled and was shaking her head. 

 "What?", Bry asked. 

 "You know, I was questioning a lot of things, but the Bible actually makes logical sense.'"

The thing that made Bry sit in awe that day was not the cruise ship, the ocean, or even the whales (cute as they probably were!).The thing that made her sit in awe, was the fact that God, her Creator, Father, Friend, and Lord, could take a trip so terrible and anxiety ridden, and turn it into an opportunity to shine through His daughter and to share Good News with someone who had never heard it. 

"I remember thinking, 'This is really happening, I'm sharing the Gospel with someone who's never heard it!' It felt like a dream. It was that amazing to me. God provided that opportunity even though I wasn't asking for it. It's amazing, whenever I feel like I'm in a bad place with God, He comes through with His grace and does something to bless me. God is really good."

There on that cruise ship on the California coast, Bry shared the most wonderful news she has ever known with Nella. News that had truly changed her life, enough to share it, to share Jesus with a stranger from China. 

To Bry, Jesus is everything. And when Someone is everything, you can't help but share Him.


"'I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people! Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.'" Luke 2:10-11

"Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples." Psalm 96:3

Be blessed and share the Light today! 


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